Preschool Language Scale – Fifth Edition - Spanish Evaluation Report Template | Evalubox
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Preschool Language Scale – Fifth Edition - Spanish Evaluation Report Template

Little to no time for reports? Here is our favorite version of the Preschool Language Scale – Fifth Edition - Spanish evaluation report template.

Preschool Language Scale – Fifth Edition - Spanish report template examples.

Utilizing the Preschool Language Scale – Fifth Edition - Spanish (PLS-5 Spanish) in practice allows speech language pathologists to accurately assess and monitor the language development of Spanish-speaking preschoolers, capturing both receptive and expressive language skills. This tool ensures culturally and linguistically appropriate evaluations, facilitating targeted, effective intervention strategies.

A robust report template for the PLS-5 Spanish includes background information, assessment environment, standardized test results for auditory comprehension and expressive communication, qualitative observations, developmental age equivalents, comparative analysis between English and Spanish language skills, individualized interpretation of scores, and tailored recommendations for intervention and family support strategies.
Check out the report pieces below that we include in our evaluations. This is just one of dozens of templates that we developed for our smart templates in Evalubox. And if you are looking for more expressive and receptive language report templates, check our our report template directory.

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PLS-5 - Spanish Report Template Text

We Break Out Reports into Structured Sections: Overview, Data Analysis, and Interpretation for the Preschool Language Scale – Fifth Edition - Spanish

PLS-5 - Spanish Evaluation Report Template

Formal testing was conducted in both English and Spanish using a bilingual assessment. The PLS-5: Spanish is a standardized measure that evaluates receptive, expressive, and total language scores of children from birth to 7 years, 11 months.  The PLS-5: Spanish is composed of two standardized scales: Auditory Comprehension and Expressive Communication.  The Auditory Comprehension (AC) scale is used to evaluate the scope of a child’s comprehension of language.  The Expressive Communication (EC) scale is used to determine how well a child communicates with others. These scales survey communication skills in the areas of social communication, semantics, morphology, syntax, and articulation.  The PLS-5: Spanish allows for credit to be given for test items observed through spontaneous productions in and outside of the assessment environment.  Because it is a bilingual test, standardized procedures also allow credit to be given for items missed in Spanish which are then readministered in English and subsequently passed, resulting in a cumulative score. 


PLS-5: Spanish standard scores for receptive, expressive, and total language have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 1.5. The percentile rank indicates the percentage of children of a certain age who earned a particular score or lower.


{$student_firstname}’s language skills were evaluated using both formal and informal measures.  Results are below followed by an explanation.


Preschool Language Scale – Fifth Edition - Spanish (PLS-5 Spanish)



Standard Score

Percentile Rank

Auditory Comprehension

 ( )*


Expressive Communication

 ( )*


Composite Core Language Score

 ( )*


The PLS-5 Spanish Edition was normed on children from Spanish-speaking homes living in the U.S. 

*90% Confidence Interval


Norming Information for Your Preschool Language Scale – Fifth Edition - Spanish Report Template

According to Pearson, the Preschool Language Scale – Fifth Edition - Spanish (PLS-5 Spanish) is normed on a representative sample of Spanish-speaking children aged birth to 7 years 11 months. The sample includes diverse linguistic, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds, ensuring the tool's validity and reliability in assessing early language skills in Spanish-speaking populations (Pearson, 2012). [Reference:]

Preschool Language Scale – Fifth Edition - Spanish Evaluation Report Template Tables

Tables in the report template for the Preschool Language Scale – Fifth Edition - Spanish are essential for summarizing data across various language domains, such as auditory comprehension and expressive communication. These tables provide clarity and detailed insights into a child’s language abilities in Spanish, helping to identify specific areas of strength and those needing improvement. This facilitates targeted, culturally, and linguistically appropriate intervention planning and progress monitoring.

Formal testing was conducted in both English and Spanish using a bilingual assessment. The PLS-5: Spanish is a standardized measure that evaluates receptive, expressive, and total language scores of children from birth to 7 years, 11 months.  The PLS-5: Spanish is composed of two standardized scales: Auditory Comprehension and Expressive Communication.  The Auditory Comprehension (AC) scale is used to evaluate the scope of a child’s comprehension of language.  The Expressive Communication (EC) scale is used to determine how well a child communicates with others. These scales survey communication skills in the areas of social communication, semantics, morphology, syntax, and articulation.  The PLS-5: Spanish allows for credit to be given for test items observed through spontaneous productions in and outside of the assessment environment.  Because it is a bilingual test, standardized procedures also allow credit to be given for items missed in Spanish which are then readministered in English and subsequently passed, resulting in a cumulative score. 


PLS-5: Spanish standard scores for receptive, expressive, and total language have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 1.5. The percentile rank indicates the percentage of children of a certain age who earned a particular score or lower.


{$student_firstname}’s language skills were evaluated using both formal and informal measures.  Results are below followed by an explanation.


Preschool Language Scale – Fifth Edition - Spanish (PLS-5 Spanish)



Standard Score

Percentile Rank

Auditory Comprehension

 ( )*


Expressive Communication

 ( )*


Composite Core Language Score

 ( )*


The PLS-5 Spanish Edition was normed on children from Spanish-speaking homes living in the U.S. 

*90% Confidence Interval


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