Developmental Assessment of Young Children, Second Edition Evaluation Report Template | Evalubox
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Developmental Assessment of Young Children, Second Edition Evaluation Report Template

Little to no time for reports? Here is our favorite version of the Developmental Assessment of Young Children, Second Edition evaluation report template.

Developmental Assessment of Young Children, Second Edition report template examples.

Incorporating the Developmental Assessment of Young Children, Second Edition (DAYC-2) allows speech language pathologists to identify developmental delays across multiple domains, such as communication, cognition, and social-emotional skills. This comprehensive assessment supports early intervention, tailored treatment plans, and tracks progress over time, enhancing overall child development outcomes.

A robust report template for the Developmental Assessment of Young Children, Second Edition (DAYC-2) includes sections for child’s background information, detailed scores across all developmental domains, observational notes, interpretation of results, strengths and areas of concern, longitudinal progress comparisons, and specific, actionable recommendations for intervention. This structure ensures a thorough and empathetic approach to addressing developmental needs.
Check out the report pieces below that we include in our evaluations. This is just one of dozens of templates that we developed for our smart templates in Evalubox. And if you are looking for more expressive and receptive language report templates, check our our report template directory.

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DAYC-2 Report Template Text

We Break Out Reports into Structured Sections: Overview, Data Analysis, and Interpretation for the Developmental Assessment of Young Children, Second Edition

DAYC-2 Evaluation Report Template

The Developmental Assessment of Young Children-Second Edition (DAYC-2) is an individually administered, norm-referenced measure of early childhood development in the following domains: cognition, communication, social-emotional development, physical development, and adaptive behavior for children from birth through age 5 years 11 months.

Cognitive Domain (COG): This domain measures conceptual skills. These include skills that measure memory, purposive planning, decision making, and discrimination.

Communication Domain (COM): This domain measures skills related to sharing ideas, information, and feelings with others, both verbally and nonverbally. It is divided into two subdomains: Receptive Language and Expressive Language.

Social-Emotional Domain (SE): This domain measures social awareness, social relationships, and social competence. These skills enable children to engage in meaningful social interactions with parents, caregivers, peers, and others in their environment.

Physical Development Domain (PD): This domain measures motor development. The domain is divided into two subdomains: Gross Motor and Fine Motor.

Adaptive Behavior Domain (AB): This domain measures independent, self-help functioning. Skills include toileting, feeding, dressing, and personal responsibility.

The normative score for the composite of all five domains is called the General Development Index (GDI). The index corresponds to the sum of the standard scores of all five domains. The GDI is the most reliable score on the test and provides an overall level of development.

DAYC-2 Score Summary



Raw Score

Age Equivalent

Percentile Rank

Standard Score

Descriptive Term







Physical Development


Adaptive Behavior




Sum of Standard Scores

Standard Score

Descriptive Term

General Development Index


Sub-Domain Scores

Raw Score

Age Equivalent


Standard Score

Descriptive Term

Receptive Language


Expressive Language


Gross Motor


Fine Motor


Norming Information for Your Developmental Assessment of Young Children, Second Edition Report Template

According to Kaplan Early Learning Company, the Developmental Assessment of Young Children, Second Edition (DAYC-2) is normed on a representative sample of over 1,832 children from birth to 5 years 11 months. The sample includes diverse ethnic, socioeconomic, and geographic backgrounds, ensuring the tool's validity and reliability in assessing early developmental domains (Kaplan Early Learning Company, 2012). [Reference:]

Developmental Assessment of Young Children, Second Edition Evaluation Report Template Tables

Tables in the report template for the Developmental Assessment of Young Children, Second Edition are essential for summarizing data across various developmental domains, such as cognition, communication, social-emotional development, physical development, and adaptive behavior. These tables provide clarity and detailed insights into a child’s developmental progress, helping to identify strengths and areas needing targeted intervention.

The Developmental Assessment of Young Children-Second Edition (DAYC-2) is an individually administered, norm-referenced measure of early childhood development in the following domains: cognition, communication, social-emotional development, physical development, and adaptive behavior for children from birth through age 5 years 11 months.

Cognitive Domain (COG): This domain measures conceptual skills. These include skills that measure memory, purposive planning, decision making, and discrimination.

Communication Domain (COM): This domain measures skills related to sharing ideas, information, and feelings with others, both verbally and nonverbally. It is divided into two subdomains: Receptive Language and Expressive Language.

Social-Emotional Domain (SE): This domain measures social awareness, social relationships, and social competence. These skills enable children to engage in meaningful social interactions with parents, caregivers, peers, and others in their environment.

Physical Development Domain (PD): This domain measures motor development. The domain is divided into two subdomains: Gross Motor and Fine Motor.

Adaptive Behavior Domain (AB): This domain measures independent, self-help functioning. Skills include toileting, feeding, dressing, and personal responsibility.

The normative score for the composite of all five domains is called the General Development Index (GDI). The index corresponds to the sum of the standard scores of all five domains. The GDI is the most reliable score on the test and provides an overall level of development.

DAYC-2 Score Summary



Raw Score

Age Equivalent

Percentile Rank

Standard Score

Descriptive Term







Physical Development


Adaptive Behavior




Sum of Standard Scores

Standard Score

Descriptive Term

General Development Index


Sub-Domain Scores

Raw Score

Age Equivalent


Standard Score

Descriptive Term

Receptive Language


Expressive Language


Gross Motor


Fine Motor


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